

3D Simulation Video Clip of the Crescent-Shape Stone Pillar at the Peinan Site, A National Historic Site

The research team 3D scanned the Crescent-Shape Stone Pillar at the Peinan Site--a national historic site--and created a simulation display based on the preliminary 3D scanned data.

Archaeological Excavation Procedures at the Peinan Site

An introduction to the excavation procedures at the Peinan Site in the Area of the Peinan Cultural Park Phase II. The procedures include two parts: on-site excavation (surveying and pit placement; archaeological excavation; and on-site recording and drawing) and finds processing (cleaning, organizing, categorizing, sieving, measuring and cataloging, and photographing).

An Overview of the Archaeological Research on the Peinan Site

An introduction to the research work on the Peinan Site carried out by researchers. The research work includes discussions on the features excavated; periodical meetings; on-site staff supervision; research data organization, analysis, and discussions; research presentations; etc.

News Video Clip on the Academic Collaboration With the Dept. of Anthropology, National Taiwan University in 2012

In 2012, "Field Methods of Archaeology", a course at the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University took place at the Peinan Site, a national historic site, and excavations were carried out. In this news interview video, Assistant Researcher Kun-Sheu Lee talked about nephrite cores and other excavated artifacts.

News Interview Clip on the Academic Collaboration With the Dept. of Anthropology, National Taiwan University in 2012

In 2012, "Field Methods of Archaeology", a course at the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University took place at the Peinan Site, a national historic site, and excavations were carried out. In this news interview video, Assistant Researcher Kun-Sheu Lee and Research Assistant Chang-Keng Yeh talked about nephrite cores and other excavated artifacts.


「文化╳科技:文化資產3D技術應用工作坊」即將登場! 為推廣3D技術於文化資產保存維護之應用與發展,本館與文化部文化資產局將在9月6日舉行「文化╳科技:文化資產3D技術應用工作坊」。 相關報名資訊,請注意史前館官網最新消息,歡迎並期待與大家相見。





Blihun漢本- 交通樞紐上的國定考古遺址特展預告片